UK Email List of Jewellers & Jewellery Retailers

* Records include Email and Street Addresses

* No Hard Bounce Guarantee

* Unlimited Use – use the Jewellers Email Addresses as required

* This Database is sent in CSV format.

Just £95.00 for the complete List

email lists

Email Mailing List, Directory and Database of Jewellers and Jewellery Retailers

For GDPR compatibility only email addresses at LTD/LLP companies are included

Do you supply goods or services to Jewellers and other Jewellery Retailers in the UK? Are you looking to expand your client base, reach more customers and boost your profits?  

If so, then you have reached exactly the right place!  

We pride ourselves on being the #1 provider of GDPR compatible Marketing Lists in the UK.  

So you can be sure that our data will open the door to 1,000’s of potential new business contacts, and explode your profit potential in the process.  

Our painstakingly researched and regularly updated information includes details of 1,000’s of Jewellers and other Jewellery Retailers in the UK with 1,000’s of up to date email addresses mostly with PAF verified postal addresses.  

Quite simply, no other UK marketing list of Jewellers and other Jewellery Retailers comes anywhere close to providing this number of accurate and up to date email address contacts, and at such a low cost.  

And if you don’t just want to take our word for it, here’s what Colin Morris at Email Marketing Tips had to say:-

advertising agencies database

So if you’d like to expand your client base, promote your goods or services and increase your profits, then take a look at what is included in the List:-

Number of Businesses: 1,390* Every record includes at least one email address.

Total Number of Email Addresses: 2,050*

More than one email address at each business is often provided.

Note: All email address domains in the file match the business’s website domain. Free type email addresses (such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc) as well as email addresses at telecoms services (such as BT, Virgin, Talktalk etc) are NOT included in this file.

Website Domain names: 99% of records

Records with a Full PAF Verified Postal Address: 92% of records

Telephone Numbers: 59% of records

*Unique records

FREE BONUS LIST: When you purchase this list you will ALSO receive a free bonus .csv file containing the records of over 1,500 additional Jewellery Suppliers in the UK where we have not been able to confirm the organisation as a LTD/LLP/PLC. Therefore for GDPR compliance we do not include Email address contact details in this Free Bonus file. However ALL these extra and free records include Website Address, Business/Organisation Name and usually a telephone number and a PAF verified postal address but to repeat, unlike the records in the paid for List, the records in this free bonus list do not include email addresses although in most cases the Website Contact page includes an email address or an Email Contact Form. Note: example records from this free bonus file are not shown in the Video below as this is an entirely separate file.


All email addresses were last checked during July 2024

View 100’s of example records to understand exactly what type of information is supplied:-

advertising agency email addresses
email list advertising agencies


The Best Email Delivery Guarantee 

We offer a 100% Guarantee of No Hard Bounces. You’ll receive a refund for any portion of the records that Hard Bounce. See full details of our Guarantee in the Shopping Cart.

marketing list
marketing list

So What’s the Next Step?

To order this UK Jewellers and Jewellery Retailers List at a cost of just £95.00.00 simply click the “Add to Cart” button and arm yourself with 1,000’s of low-cost, industry-specific, profit-pulling contacts!

We offer payment via Paypal where you can pay securely with major credit cards or via a Paypal account

email addresses marketing services


How many new customers would this List need to generate to pay for itself many times over?

cart buttonSee Payment and Delivery details in the Shopping Cart



















Using Email Addresses of Jewellery Retailers 

Using an Email list of  Jewellers for marketing purposes has never been easier . In this article, we’ll take you through just some of the best practices for making your email marketing campaigns successful.

  1. Limit yourself to two typefaces

The less clutter in your email, the higher the conversion rate. Avoid using more than two typefaces or fonts in your email, since this can be distracting for people in the Jewellery Retailers email directory and detract from the email’s aesthetic attractiveness. Additionally, you should utilize web-safe fonts in widths ranging from 10-point to 12-point. This guarantees that your email is readable across all platforms and devices.

  1. Add a signature to your email

Even if a newsletter is being issued on behalf of the firm instead of an individual, a specific person’s signature should be included in the email. People in your jewellers email database are more likely to go through an email with the knowledge that it originated from a real person, rather than a marketing group.

  1. Make sure the key message and CTA are visible above the fold when using a Email Mailing List of Jewellers

The information presented to the reader prior to scrolling down is referred to as “above the fold.” Despite new studies suggesting that customers are scrolling more than they did before due to social media’s vertical timelines, above-the-fold information continues to receive the maximum attention. So, make sure that the messages and CTAs are placed above the fold so the email addresses of those in your mailing list don’t miss critical information.

  1. Customises the email greeting

Using an email greetings immediately draws the attention of the readers in your email marketing list of jewellers and jewelry retailerts.. Many email marketing platforms now allow you to customize your campaign’s greeting so it automatically sends personalized versions of the same message. Thrse are just some of the ways to make best use of this email list of Jewellers and Jewellry Retailers.